
Cerbo includes a medication interaction checker to help protect against prescribing medications that may cause adverse reactions in combination with other medications that the patient is taking.

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Once you select a medication to add to the patient's chart, the +Complete Rx window appears. A box at the right of that window shows any applicable warnings about known interactions between the medication being added, and any of the patient's active prescriptions.

If there are multiple known interactions, those warnings will all show within the same window.

If no warnings appear, then there are no known interactions between the current medication and any of the patient's active prescriptions. 

  • The interaction checker will check for and against administrative (patient-reported) medications.
  • The interaction checker does not flag interactions between the current medication and prescriptions that are expired or discontinued in the patient's chart.

The medication interaction checker utilizes the standard drug database that is built into Cerbo (which is licensed from Medispan). Compounded (or other manually-added) medications cannot be checked. When you are prescribing a manually-added medication, you will accordingly see an Interaction-Check ERRORS message, indicating that the medication being added cannot be checked for interactions against other active prescriptions.

Similarly, when other medications are added to the patient's chart, an Interaction-Check Issues note will appear to indicate that the medication being added cannot be checked for interactions against the previously added compounded medication.

Note that the interaction checker cannot catch/ report on every possible drug-drug interaction. And to avoid showing likely irrelevant warnings for practically every prescription, the interaction checker only flags known interactions that are relatively high likelihood or high severity.

Other Keywords: rxs prescribing interaction-check check adverse med-med interactions