If you use compounded medications in your practice, you can add your compounds to the drug database so that you can prescribe to patients. And you can send your compounded prescriptions to the pharmacy via efax or eRx.
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Add a Compounded Medication to the Database
Go to Admin > Manage > Medications, and click on Add New Rx. This will bring up a window to add your compounded medication to the database.
Enter a reasonably short name (up to 45 characters for the common name and up to 64 for the generic name) name in the Common Name, and Generic Name fields.
- For multi-component compounds, you may need to enter an abbreviated name for the common and/ or generic name, and put the full formulation information in the saved medication dosing profile.
- The common and the generic names can match. Both should be descriptive enough to differentiate the compound from other medications.
You may put the strength in the Strength field, or leave blank if (1) you are creating a single generic compound that will have multiple different strengths as different dosing profiles, (2) the strength information is overly complex, for example for a multi-component compound, or (3) strength information is irrelevant or inapplicable for that specific compound.
The NDC number is NOT required.
Save a Dosing Profile
Dosing profiles are often especially helpful for compounded medications, where you might have several different formulations you like to use and/ or need to include detailed patient instructions or notes to the pharmacy.
To save a dosing profile for your compounded medication, prescribe it as you would any other medication and, in the prescription window, enter your dosing information including, if desired, detailed Notes to Pharmacy with the formulation and/or preparation information, and then select Save Current Settings as a New Profile from the PROFILES drop down menu at the top.
When you click + Complete, the dosing profile will be saved, and the prescription added. If you'd like to add dosing profiles outside of the regular flow of patient care, you can prescribe them to John Doe or another test patient in order to save the dosing profiles.
Routing to the Pharmacy
You can send the compounded medication prescription to the pharmacy via e-fax, if that is permitted in your jurisdiction. And compounded/ manually added medications can be sent to the pharmacy via eRx in Cerbo. Note that for this to work:
- The compound must be marked as a compounded medication in your prescribable medication list. You can check and edit this under Admin > Manage > Medications.
- Any compounds that are controlled must have an appropriate Schedule specified to route via the controlled substance 2-factor process.