Clinic Name & Locations
Enter or update your clinic name, address, Tax ID, contact information, etc. The clinic name appears, for example, in the printable/ faxable letterhead, as the clinic name in the Patient Portal, and as the sender for emails to the patient from Cerbo.
Multiple locations in Cerbo can be used not only for clinics with more than one physical location, but also to track multiple separate business concepts operating in a single physical location (for example, for inventory dispensing or tracking charges/ payments by location).
If there is more than one location set up in your Cerbo build, users can choose which location to log into on the Cerbo login screen. Regardless of the logged-in location, users have access to the same data (appointments, patients, etc.) in Cerbo. The logged-in location:
- Can be associated with different address/ contact information, which would appear (1) in the letterhead for printable/ faxable/ savable forms generated within Cerbo, and (2) in the email footer for emails from Cerbo, unless that option is disabled via the Emails and Chat settings in System Settings.
- Is the default location for appointments and charges that are added by the logged in user.
Defining multiple locations
Use Clinic Names & Locations settings to view and add named locations.
Re-order locations by clicking on the grid icon and dragging and dropping. The location at the top becomes the default location for users that are navigating to the Cerbo login page for the first time. Once someone logs into a specific location, however, that last logged in location will be default selected when they next navigate to the Cerbo login page.
Be thoughtful when adding/ naming additional locations! You cannot remove a location or edit a location name via System Settings. To remove a location, reach out to Cerbo support with your request. To edit a location name, add another location with the updated location name, and then reach out to Cerbo support with the request to move appointments, charges, inventory, etc. from the old location name to the new one, and then delete the old location name.
Edit your clinic address/ contact info. The address is required and appears by default in the letterhead of your printable/ faxable/ savable forms, and in the footer of emails sent from Cerbo. But you can hide it in those places using the applicable settings in Documents and Emails and Chat settings, respectively
EIN TID address fax group npi