A calendar report allows you to see a tabulated list of appointments that the practice may have had over a given time period. The report may be fairly filtered or narrowed by specific appointment type(s), appointment status(es), and/or assigned user (provider at the clinic), and if applicable, assigned location. You can generate a calendar report that can either be viewed in a CSV format or in a Printable view.
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Step 1. From the top menu go to Scheduling >> Calendar Report(s). This will bring up a window similar to the one shown below.
Step 2. Select your filter options for the report.
- Date range: use the "From" and "Until" fields to set a start and end date to search from.
- Appointment Type: if you are looking for the number of times you've scheduled a "New Patient - Consult" for example, you'd select that here. If you want a report of any and all appointment types that were scheduled within the selected timeframe, just select "Any Type". You can also select multiple appointment types - just Ctrl + click to select them on Windows computers. On Macs, this you would Cmd + click.
- Appointment Status: similar to the previous point, you can select one, multiple (Ctrl/Cmd + click), or any / all options. This would be useful if you only want to see a report of all occurrences of a particular appointment type that were only confirmed over your selected timeframe.
- Assigned User or Resource: with this drop-down, you can further narrow the search to include only the selected appointment type(s), appointment status(es), associated with the provider or resource you have selected here. You can also conduct a broad search by selecting "Any Provider".
- Assigned Location: if you have multiple locations associated with your practice, you can optionally narrow the report even more by imposing a location constraint. If, for example, you have two hypothetical locations - location A and location B - you can instruct the system to report on the appointment types at only one of the two locations. Otherwise, you can leave the option at "Any Location" and the report will include appointments from all your locations.
- Report Format: this tool will let you generate the report in either a spreadsheet or a web page. The spreadsheet format will be most versatile since you can open it in Excel or a similar program and analyze your data further. The "print view" will display the tabulated results in a separate web page in your browser.
Step 3. Lastly, click "Create Report" to generate it. It will either open in a new tab (if you picked Print View) or in Excel (if you picked Spreadsheet)
Note that if you open this report from a patient's chart you'll have the option of only downloading appointments for that patient.