Use these settings to control and customize the appearance and behavior of the Task list.


  • Show Rx Refill Follow Up tasks (triggered by checking "Warn me when this dosing expires" when prescribing)
    •  Everyone's task list
    •  The task list of the user who added the original prescription only

Tasks in the upper right corner of the schedule page should show the user's unsigned encounter notes, For Review documents, or scheduled tasks

You can elect one of three specific task categories to show at the top right of the calendar page, to most quickly view those tasks at a glance.

Show open orders...

Open orders (orders that have been added and have not yet been manually closed or matched to incoming results) automatically appear on the Open Orders tab in the task list. You can select whether those appear only on the task list of the person who added the order, or on all users' task lists.

Show Rx Refill Follow Up tasks, and Show Supplement Follow Up tasks...

Prescription medications and supplements appear on the Follow Up task tab when they expire if the person who added the prescription checked "Warn me when this dosing expires." You can select whether those appear only on the prescriber's task list, or on all users' task lists.

Show Document Follow Up tasks...

Document follow up tasks show up on the Follow Up task tab after the specified follow up period has elapsed if someone sets that follow up task in the document review window. You can select whether those appear only on the person's task list who set the follow up task, or on all users' task lists.

Hide Rx Refill or Unsigned SOAP Note tasks added before a certain date

In some cases, a clinic has regularly been leaving encounter notes unsigned, or not monitoring/ filling prescriptions from the electronic rx refill queue. Over time, the corresponding Unsigned SOAP Note and Rx Refill task lists can become very long. If a clinic has been ignoring these task lists for some time, but wants to start using them, there are settings to be able to hide unsigned encounter note tasks and/ or e-rx refill tasks added before a certain date. That allows the clinic to "start fresh" as of that date in terms of monitoring and closing tasks on those task lists.