If you offer Medical Injections to your patients, we have a special type of Alternate Plan Option that allows you to specify ingredients and administration details.
Related Articles
- Add Alternate Plan Item
- Creating and Managing Alternate Plan Items (including Supplements)
- Inventory Management in Cerbo
Add a New Injection to the Alternate Plan list
You can add new Injection ordering templates to your Alternate Plan Options database under Admin > Manage > Alternate Plan Options. To add an Injection that you administer as a new prescribable/ orderable item, click the + Create New Plan Option button at the top.
- In the Alternate Plan Name field, put the name of the specific Injection that you want to order/ prescribe, for example "Prolozone"
- For Action Type, select Injection or, if that is not an option (this is the first one you have added), select + ADD NEW TYPE or, in some instances, ALL TYPES, then type in Injection into the Action Type field. NOTE you'll need to use this exact name.
- Type a Description, if desired (this would be shown on the encounter summary when the item is prescribed IF alternate Instructions/ Notes have not been saved as part of the item's default ordering profile - see below).
- Click + Add This Alternate Plan Option to save.
A pop up box will appear asking if you want to add a default profile - this would be your detailed formula, with the individual ingredients and amounts. Click OK for yes or Cancel for not at this time.
Set Up Default Ordering Profile
Your default ordering profile for an Injection is the list of individual Ingredients, each with an Amount, Range, as well as the recommended treatment Frequency, Duration, and Total number of treatments to be ordered, plus internal Ordering Notes, and patient-facing Notes/ Instructions.
You can add the default Injection formula/ ordering profile:
- When you first add the Injection to the Alternate Plan Options database (see above).
- When you are adding the Injection order to a patient's chart, by filling out the details that you want to be part of the default ordering profile, then checking the box at the bottom to save as default.
- Or by editing the entry in the Alternate Plan Options list, and clicking where it says "The default dosing profile (instructions, amount, brand, etc.) can be set while prescribing/ assigning this to a patient's chart or by "clicking here."
Ordering/ Prescribing Medical Injections to Patients
You will order injections for a patient by hovering over the + sign in the blue Plan Rx/Orders/Vaccines box at the right side of an open Encounter Note and selecting Add Injection. Select the Injection you want, make any desired changes to the default Injection formula, notes, or other information, and click Complete to add it to the plan (see screenshot above).
The information that is shared with the patient (in the Encounter Summary for the visit where the infusion was ordered, or the patient's Wellness Plan) is the name of the Injection and whatever is the Notes/ Instructions field.
IV Infusions ordered within the past 6 months (or another period of time if set on a custom basis for your build) will show up in orange at the top of the patient's Open Orders block.
Administrating the Injection
When the patient comes in for an Injection that has been ordered for them, the person administering the Injection can click on the open Injection order in the patient's Open Orders block to create a new encounter note for documenting the Injection administration, and pull up the Injection Ordering details.
Note: by default, Injection administration notes are created as sub-notes of the encounter note where the Injection was ordered. This can be changed on a custom basis so that Injection Administration notes are regular, top-level notes.
The person administering the Injection would verify the information in the Injection Ordering details, and add additional information like range, lot and/or expiration then click "Save and Begin!"
The Injection formula and ordering information will populate into the text of the note.
If vitals need to be taken during the Injection administration, they would generally be taken the usual way - in the Vitals block at the right of the open encounter note. Chart Part templates can be used to quickly add the structure of any additional Injection Administration chart notes, document vitals readings taken and timing, etc.
Finishing an order
Every time an injection is administered from an open Injection order in the patient's Open Orders block, you'll see what iteration you are on in the order window:
When you have reached the final order, you'll want to remove it from the open orders block by clicking the red x on the order. If you do not, the default setting is that it will be removed after 6 months.
Add Injectables to Inventory
After you have added your prescribable/orderable injections to your alternate plans, a new "Injection" category will be created in your Inventory Manager when you follow the "Add New Inventory Item" link. You will then have the ability to search your Injection alternate plans to map them to your inventory.