This article focuses on how to export a patient's chart out the EMR and download it as a zip file.
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- Open the patient's chart and go to My Links > Export Patient as Package
(Note: If you do not see the option under My Links, please contact support so that we can enable this option for you.) - This will trigger a ZIP file to download. That ZIP file contains:
- A "Face Page" with:
- patient's basic stats and medications list
- patient SOAP notes
- patient secure message communications
- Links to all documents
- Links to all uploaded photos
- A "Face Page" with:
- Once the file is downloaded, unzip it (right-click and unzip), and navigate to /var/www/exports/pts_******/[Patient Name and DOB]/
- This will open their face page and at this point you can remove any file you don't want included (the download includes everything by default