
End-of-day billing report in Cerbo can be used to see the totals of charges and payments over a period of time. The reports are broken down by charge category (which you set in your charge list), and charge "owner" (which user added the charge, or the user that the charge was manually assigned to). 

End of day billing reporting can be used for seeing your totals broken down by category, reconciling your credit card payment totals, calculating provider commissions, and more.

The end of day reports can be accessed from Reporting > Financial Reports.

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The most commonly used end of day financial reports are:

  1. End of Day/Week/Month Report - shows all CHARGES (paid/ unpaid) broken down by charge category/ type and charge owner for the specified time period, as well as PAYMENT TOTALS by payment type.
  2. The following reports, which show all PAYMENTS broken down by the charge category/ type and charge owner of the charge(s) to which the payments are applied. The difference between the two is when those payments are reported. 
    • Income Report shows payments added in that period
    • Allocation Summary Report shows payments applied toward specific charges in that period

Each of those reports lets you view aggregate financial data over a specified time period.  Each report also shows totals by category and user. And totals can be expanded (by clicking on the totals row) to show detail, down to the level of individual transactions.

* Note on Charge Ownership

By default, a charge is "owned," for billing reporting purposes, by:

  • The person who added the charge, if the charge was added outside of an encounter note.
  • The person who owns an encounter note (the creator/ last editor of the note if unsigned, or the signer of the note), if the charge was added inside an encounter note.
  • The person to whom the charge is manually assigned ***if manual assignment of charges is enabled for your build. If you do not have manual assignment of charges enabled, but want this, please reach out to us to enable it.

* Note on Charge Categories

These are set in the master Charge List - each charge in the charge list has a Charge Type, which determines how charges are categorized on billing reports.

End of Day/Week/Month Report

This is the most comprehensive report of a day's financial activity. It shows the summary of charges for a specific period (including both paid and unpaid charges) broken down by category and charge owner, as well as:

  • Total payments by payment type (credit card, check, cash, etc.), to detail a picture of a day's total deposits, including subscription payments.
  • Over/under reports, to capture changes made during the selected period that affect a different reporting period.

Section 1: Summary of Charges

The first section of the report shows charges added during the specified period by charge category.  You can define your own charge categories within the charge definitions in your Charge List. Each category will display a total, as well as subtotals by user.

Click on any user's name to see the individual transactions that make up that total:

The Total Revenue section shows the totals of charges across all categories by staff member:

Section 2: Summary of Deposits

The next section categorizes the payments added to the system during the specified time period.  This shows an overall total, as well as totals by payment method.

A list of all deposits by type shows the breakdown of the day's revenue.  These will sort by payment type, and for those practices that use it, subscriptions and insurance payments/write-offs will also be included in the day's revenue (please note: insurance write-offs will not contribute to the day's deposit totals).  For practices that process cards with Propelr (CardPointe) or Bluefin (PayConex), clicking the "CC" line item will break out payments by card type.

Section 3: Over/Under

The last section will show any changes made during the reporting period that affect other reporting periods.  For example, if you edit a charge or refund a payment made the previous week, this refund will show on the Over/Under amount for the day to alert bookkeepers of the change.

Income Report

The Income Report shows the breakdown of payments that were received during the specified period by charge category and charge owner. The category and owner come from the charge(s) to which the payment is applied. At the top of the report, you can specify whether you want the information broken down by Charge Owner (showing the different charge category totals per user), or by Charge Category (showing the different user totals for each charge category).

This report is often used to see how much income (total and/ or of specific types) is attributable to specific users, for example where staff compensation depends on the income they are responsible for generating.

Please note that this report does not include subscription payments.

Allocation Report

The allocation report is very similar to the Income Report, but shows the breakdown of payments that were allocated towards specific charges in the specified period (versus payments that were received during the specified period in the Income Report). It would be used instead of the Income Report by clinics that:

  1. Use prepaid packages, and in doing so accept payments before specific charges are added, and leave those payments as credits in the patients' accounts. Payments are then applied to specific charges when those charges are added to the patient's account as they come in for specific pre-paid services or products. AND
  2. Pay commissions/ revenue sharing/ or compensate staff members based on how much income they are responsible for generating.

To illustrate why you would use the Allocation Report rather than the Income Report in this circumstance, let's take a simple example. Patient A pre-pays for a $2000 treatment package on May 26th. The payment is added on that date and exists as a credit in her account that is available to apply to future charges. If she has had her first 2 visits, accounting for $800 of the value of the package, in June,

  • the Income Report for May would show the full $2000 purchase, but under an Unallocated category and not under any specific user (because it hasn't yet been allocated to any specific charges);
  • the Allocation Report would show nothing in May, but would show the $800 that she used in June under the appropriate charge category and charge owner, based on the specific charges that it was applied to.

The Allocation Report tells you how payments (regardless of when the money was collected) was applied towards patient balances  during the specified date range. So if you took a deposit of $100 last week (which would have shown as an unallocated payment in the Income Report from the prior week) and then allocated it towards a charge today, it would show on today's allocation report. This is probably the most complicated of the three reports as money can be unallocated as well as allocated (so if you refund someone $100 from a payment 2 weeks ago but used the credit to pay for a service today, it will show as a $100 deallocation and a $100 allocation on today's report).

Other Important End-of-Day Reports

  • Charges-Added Check is a useful tool to make sure all patients have been charged for their visits during a specific time period (generally for the day).
  • Revenue per Patient report can be used to identify why there is a discrepancy between the End of Day/ Week/ Month Report and the Income Report for a specific period, i.e., which patient(s) did not pay/ pay in full at the time of services, or to otherwise identify which patients did/ did not pay in full when charges were initially added.
  • Export Charges to Excel can be used to export ALL or SELECTED CATEGORIES of charges/ payments for a certain period to a spreadsheet download for additional sorting, filtering, or analysis.
  • A/R and Pt Balances is a separate tab of the Billing section that can be used tshow all patients with outstanding balances (or credits), or to see overdue balances by date range. You'd do so by toggling the drop down menu in the middle from All Pt Accounts to Pts w/ Balances (or one of the other options).

Other keywords: billing, charges, payments, allocation