
If you have an integrated incoming fax line, you will see faxes coming in to that number in an Incoming Faxes block to the left of the schedule page. 

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Click on an incoming fax to:

  • File it in a patient's chart, using the Assign Patient search bar to find and select the correct patient. You will also need to give the document a name, and may choose to assign a category (or may do that later). If "Needs to be Reviewed" is checked, the document will go on the applicable task lists under "For Review" when Assign this Document is clicked. If "Review Now" is checked, a second, more detailed document details window will open where you can, among other things, notify the patient via secure message or email. 

Once you have saved a fax to a patient's chart, or to Practice Documents, or deleted it, it will disappear from the Incoming Faxes queue.

Recovering Deleted Faxes

If you delete an incoming fax from the Incoming Faxes queue by mistake, you can recover the document by going to your Practice Documents (under Admin --> Practice Documents, or My Links --> Browse my Documents), and clicking on the Trash tab. Deleted faxes are stored in the practice documents Trash tab indefinitely.