To create a custom lab panel, go to Admin > Manage > Orders/Labs Database

In the resulting window, click on the button Create New Order Entry and it should launch the following window:

  1. Proper Name: enter your panel name here
  2. Order Code: enter all associated generic codes (not lab-specific), comma separated or "N/A"
  3. Performed by a specific lab: check this box!
  4. Once you check the above box, a new section will appear: 
    1. Name of Performing Lab: select the specific lab from the drop-down options (you can select the last option to add a new lab if you don't see it here)
    2. Lab-Specific Order Codes: this is where you will put the lab-specific codes for each invidual test that you would like to include in your order. Separate these with commas (i.e. 9312, 5213, 0423, etc). When you submit the order via an interface the system will automatically expand the profile to include all the lab-specific tests included from this list.
  5. You can use the Notes to Laboratory and Description text areas to include the list of test descriptions in case you decide not to route it via our interface
  6. Click the Add New Order button at the bottom to save your panel!


In the below example, we are creating a custom panel for Cleveland HeartLab which includes two tests:

When adding this to John Doe's chart, just the single panel needs to be added:

When the user goes to order with Cleveland HeartLab, you can see that it then expands into the individual tests:


Labcorp, Quest, Lab Integration, Bi-Directional Labs