
The Patient Portal Onboarding Tool provides a quick and easy way to set patients' Portal access levels and issue multiple invites. This allows users to do these steps for many patients at once instead of navigating to each patient's dashboard one by one.

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For patient confidentiality and compliance with privacy laws, you must take precautions to ensure that no one gains unauthorized access to a patient's data on the Patient Portal.  This includes parents, adult children, spouses, etc., unless they have specific authorization.

For this reason, Patient Portal access should only be granted after confirming that:

  1. The Patient Portal account and password were set up by the patient or an authorized third party, and
  2. Only the patient and any authorized third parties have access to the primary email account connected to the account.

Strong operational security should be provided on an ongoing basis, particularly when a change of email address is requested.

To access the patient portal, hover over the Pt Portal menu and click Pt Portal Onboarding Tool. This will bring up a list of all patients in your EHR. Note that as of April 2021, depending on when you were set up in Cerbo and where we are in the most recent update cycle, you may have either the NEW tool, or the OLD tool. All clients will be updated to the NEW tool with the next update cycle.

How to use the Patient Portal Onboarding Tool

The Patient Portal Onboarding Tool shows a list of all patients in your EHR, along with certain key information about their Patient Portal access. Below is a image of the Patient Portal Onboard tool, under the image will be information about how to utilize each section. 

(pictured: The Patient Portal onboarding tool, feature a warning to be cautious of patient information, different ways of filtering the tool (eg by tag, or if the patient has user access) and the tool itself which is a list of patient's with corresponding checkboxes and details about the patient. At the bottom is three buttons)

 Patient Filters 

These filters allow you to adjust the list of patients by certain criteria. You can use the filters independently or you can use multiple at a time. Once you have the filters set the way you would like them, press Apply Filters. 

  • Tags Allow you to search, group, and display patients based on specific criteria 
    • Tip- You may at this time wish to only invite patients who participate in your Nutrition Program to the Patient Portal, if you use the tag filter to select your Nutrition Program tag,  the only patients that display will be members of your Nutrition Program (who have been tagged as such).
  • Primary Provider Allows you to filter by the listed provider that this patient primarily sees 
  • Has Portal Access -Allows you to toggle between patients who have access to their Patient Portal and those who do not
  • Has a Username - Allows you to filter by patients who or do not have a username
    • Tip - Generally speaking, if a patient has a username they have logged into their Patient Portal at least once, using this filter is a great way of excluding patients that you know have used their Portal before. 
  • Appointment Scheduled after - Allows you to only look at Patient's that have an appointment on the schedule after a certain date
  • and/or Appointment scheduled before - Allows you to only look at Patient's that have an appointment on the schedule before a certain date 
    • Tip - These two filters can be used in conjunction to create a date range

Patient Details

Once you have set the Patient Filters, you are left with a list of patients, and seven columns of patient information and a column of checkboxes. The first three columns are Patient Identifiers to ensure that you are granting access to the correct patient.

  • Name (Last, First) - This is the patient's name, listed with last name first
  • DOB -This is the patients  Date of Birth
  • Primary Email  - This is the email on file for the patient, if they have multiple this will be the primary one listed 
  • Primary Provider - As stated above, this will be which provider this patient primarily sees and is set in their Patient information block
  • Has Portal Access - If the patient has had Portal Access granted this column will read "Yes" otherwise it will be blank 
  • Last Invite Sent  - If the patient has previously been invited to the Patient Portal, this column will present with the date they were last invited. If they have never been invited to the Patient Portal this column will be blank. 
  • Last Logged in - If the patient has previously logged into the Patient Portal, this column will present the date they last logged in, if they have never logged into the Patient Portal this column will be blank.

Action Buttons 

These three buttons allows you to take action on the list of patients.

  • Select All - If you wish to take the same action on all of the patients  on the list use this button to select every one
  • Enable Portal Access - This button will enable portal access for every patient that has been selected
  • Send Portal Invite(s) - This button will send an email to every patient selected inviting them to log into their Patient Portal


The Patient Portal Onboarding Tool is best used to for mass inviting patients to the Patient Portal, or getting a snapshot of roughly how many of your patient's have been invited to the Patient Portal. If you would rather invite patients individually you can view or modify a patient's username and otherwise manage an individual patient's portal access by going to that patient's chart, opening the Patient Information block, and navigating to the Patient Portal tab.