Simplify orders, and referrals by keeping your databases up to date with info for your preferred facilities and specialists.
Note that you already have access to the full, nationwide pharmacy database and should not generally need to manually add pharmacy listings except in rare cases.
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View and edit the desired database by clicking on Manage in the Admin drop down menu and then on "Pharmacy Listings," "Laboratory Listings," "Radiology Lab Listings," or "Specialists/Other Listings, as applicable. To search within existing entries in the database, type search terms (including all or part of the facility name, specialty (Specialists database only), city, zip, phone, fax) in the narrow by/search bar at the top, using spaces to separate multiple search terms.
You may sort the list by any column (alphabetically or in reverse-alphabetical order) by clicking on the column header.
Edit or Delete any listing by clicking on the three vertical dots and selecting Edit or Delete as appropriate.
Add a listing by going to Admin>Manage>Specialists/Other Listings and clicking on the green "CREATE NEW SPECIALIST/CAREGIVER/REFERRAL" button. Then, use the "Add New ..." pop up, filling out the applicable information in the pop up that appears, then clicking the "+ Add New Specialist" button at the bottom. Fax numbers are particularly important for streamlining e-faxing of prescriptions, orders, referrals, etc. When faxing from a patient's chart, you will have the option to select from a drop down menu of the patient's preferred facilities and specialists or to type in a fax number.
Note: where available, nicknames and keywords are extra attributes (in addition to name, etc.) that you will be able to use to search for that listing in the future in the manage facility pop up, from an open encounter note, or when editing a patient's preferred facilities and specialists lists.