Allergy, Intolerance, Discont. block

Hover over an entry in the Allergy, Intolerance, Discont. block to view details. Or, edit any Allergy, Intolerance, Discont. entry by clicking on the item in the Allergy, Intolerance, Discont. block. A window will open that allows you to change the reason for the entry (allergy, intolerance, discontinued, other), add or change notes, or delete the entry.

To manually add an allergy, intolerance, or discontinued medication to a patient's file, click on the plus icon in the Allergy, Intolerance, Discont. block, and to use the search bar provided to search the Allergy, Intolerance, Discont. database.

Add Allergy, Intolerance, Discont.

The EMR's Allergy, Intolerance, Discont. database consists of a list of allergens, drugs, and drug classes. Additional non-drug allergens may be added via the Admin - Manage menu. The list of drugs and drug classes is drawn from the VA National Formulary and is not editable.

When you've found the entry you want to add, click on it or scroll using the arrow keys and press enter. You will have the option to indicate whether the entry is for an allergy, intolerance, discontinued drug, or other, and to enter notes about the patient's reaction. Add one or as many Allergy, Intolerance, Discont. items as you want, then click "Add to Allergy, Intolerance, Discont."

An automatic entry is made in the Allergy, Intolerance, Discont. block when you discontinue a medication because the patient has an adverse reaction or when you replace a patient's medication.