
Cerbo has the option to upload photo in the patient's chart. 

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Click on the pencil icon in the upper right-hand corner of the patient's profile image (or double click on the profile image  itself) to open the photo manager.  


Select + Upload Personal Photo under the Personal Photos tab to upload a new profile photo. Click on + Upload Medical Photo under the Medical Photos tab to upload a new photo that you want to have available to attach to an encounter note.

In the + Add New window, select Browse (or Choose File in Chrome) to browse the local hard drive for photos. Highlight the file name or icon and select Open. Select + Add This Image.

Once the photo is uploaded to the server, use the cropping tool that appears to create a square thumbnail of the image. You can drag the dotted square over the desired portion of the photo or resize the square by clicking and dragging at a side or corner. You may only crop and save a square image thumbnail, though the original will also be saved and remain accessible.

When satisfied, select Save Cropped Square. The cropped area will be automatically resized to fit a 200 by 200 pixel area and a thumbnail of the photo will appear among the patient's photos. Any newly uploaded personal photo will automatically become the patient's profile picture.