
Cerbo integrates with many labs electronically to enable easier ordering and importing of lab results. Lab integrations are either: 

  1. Two Way/ Bi-Directional - Electronic ordering interface AND receive results via integrated electronic/ HL7 feed that will come directly into the Imported Lab Results Block.
  2. Results Only/ Unidirectional - Order electronically via e-fax or paper requisition, receive results via integrated electronic/HL7 feed that will come directly into the Imported Lab Results Block in the EMR

The electronic lab integrations all include structured (graphable/ trackable) lab result data, unless otherwise noted below.

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Two Way Integrations

Bi-directional integration allows you to send lab orders to the lab via an electronic ordering interface for that lab in Cerbo. Lab results will come in via integrated electronic/ HL7 feed into the Imported Lab Results Block, and generally will (1) already be matched to the patient, and (2) include lab structured data (graphable/ trackable). 

Results Only Integrations

Results only integration allows you to receive lab results directly into the Imported Lab Results block on the schedule page. They do not support electronic ordering, so you will continue to order labs as normal (e.g. electronic fax order forms). The imported results bypass the need to import each lab result as it arrives and the data comes in as structured data, rather than as a fax image. The following labs have a results-only integration with Cerbo:

Requesting and Setting Up Lab Integrations

Lab integration requests are initiated in different ways, depending on the laboratory. The ones marked with a ** in the list above would be initiated by requesting directly with your lab rep. The others would be requested by Cerbo on your behalf (we generally just need your account number, or in some cases a signed request form that we will provide to you).

Because each lab has its own, proprietary coding system, electronic ordering for bi-directionally integrated labs generally requires that you send orders that are coded for that specific lab. Meaning that you might have multiple options for the same lab order in your orderable labs database in Cerbo - for example, the generic CPT coded order, as well as one coded to Boston Heart, and one coded to BioReference. If you have an ordering history with the lab and there are a lot of tests that you order from that lab, then the easiest way to get the lab-specific orders into your Cerbo orderable labs database is to request a "utilization report" from your lab rep, which you would provide to us to import. The utilization report is just a spreadsheet of the labs that you've ordered from that laboratory in the past year, with the lab-specific order codes. 

You can also always quickly add orders to your orderable labs database manually as needed.

Integration with a lab is not guaranteed

Even for the labs listed above, with whom we have an existing integration, your integration with the lab is not guaranteed. There is generally a cost to the lab to set up the integration with Cerbo (this is to cover our costs of setting up, maintaining, etc. the integration, and we charge less than most EHRs). As a result, the lab may deny the integration request if your ordering volumes or projected ordering volumes are low

The timing for lab integrations can be highly variable, and outside of Cerbo's control. Some labs can take 4+ weeks to process a lab integration request.

Working with Non-Integrated Labs

If you work with labs that we do not currently integrate with, you can still use Cerbo for lab ordering, as well as receive results directly into your EHR via an integrated incoming fax line. For ordering labs, you can use the built in printable/ faxable/ saveable lab requisition form, and efax that directly to the lab facility from Cerbo (if you know where the patient will be going) and/ or provide the patient with a paper copy and electronic copy on the Patient Portal. You can even track structured results values for non-integrated labs, though you would need to manually enter those results values as results are received.