*NOTE - the specific options available on the Patient Portal, instructions, and certain other details differ from one clinic to the next, depending on the clinic's preferences and customizations. This article provides general information about this Patient Portal page, but the design and specific details may vary for your clinic's Patient Portal, or the page itself may not be available.

Designate or change preferred pharmacies or set your primary pharmacy on the My Pharmacies page of the Patient Portal. Preferred pharmacies should include all of the pharmacies that you regularly use, making it quick and easy for your provider to fill your prescriptions at the right place. Your primary pharmacy is the default pharmacy that will be used when you request a prescription refill and do not specify which pharmacy should be used. So, the primary pharmacy should be the one that you use most often.

To add a new preferred pharmacy, click "+ Add Another Pharmacy" at the top of the page. Search the database by typing in the pharmacy name, name of the pharmacy chain, the street address, city, state/province, postal code, or phone number. The system will search as you type and matches will appear just below the search bar. Click on a result in the list to select it. In the confirmation pop up that appears, you can designate whether this new pharmacy should be your primary pharmacy, and then click "Complete and Add this Pharmacy."

Search Tips:

  • Type in a phone number with no spaces, special characters, or country code.
  • Type in partial words or numbers when you're not sure of the exact spelling, punctuation, or formatting, or where your search isn't returning the result you're looking for. Note that you have to start at the beginning of the word for this to work – so "Oak" will find "Oakridge" but "ridge" will not.
  • Capitalization doesn't matter.
  • To narrow down a search with lots of results, go ahead and use multiple different search terms, separated by spaces. For example, an area code plus the pharmacy name and street name.

If you can't find the pharmacy you're looking for (after trying partial and multiple search terms as described above), go ahead and add a new pharmacy entry by clicking on the "No Matching Pharmacy Found" notification that appears below the search bar. You must enter the pharmacy type/brand, a common name (e.g. shopping center or cross street name used to identify that location), and pharmacy address. Adding additional information beyond what's required helps us to keep the database accurate and up to date and is greatly appreciated. Click "Submit this Pharmacy" to add.

When you add a new preferred pharmacy, it will appear near the top of the page as a pending request. Cancel a request by clicking the cancel button to its right. Once it has been reviewed and added by your provider, it will appear along with your other preferred pharmacies.

See also:

Other keywords: Rx, medicine