*NOTE - the specific options available on the Patient Portal, instructions, and certain other details differ from one clinic to the next, depending on the clinic's preferences and customizations. This article provides general information about this Patient Portal page, but the design and specific details may vary for your clinic's Patient Portal, or the page itself may not be available.

My Vaccines ScreenshotYour vaccine record on file with your provider is shown on the My Vaccine Record page of the Patient Portal. Each vaccine type is listed on its own row in alphabetical order. If you're looking for a specific vaccine, note that the vaccine may not be listed under the name you're looking for. For example, the flu vaccine is listed under "influenza."

If the vaccine is given according to a set schedule (e.g., three doses over two years), icons to the right indicate how many doses are given, with green icons indicating which you have received and grey icons indicating yet-to-be administered doses. If the vaccine is given as needed, green icons to the right indicate vaccinations that you have received and a single grey icon is shown indicating that additional vaccinations may be added.

You can click on any grey add vaccine button to add vaccinations that you have received to your record. You'll be asked to enter who administered the vaccine, the date it was received, the batch or lot ID, if known, and any notes about the vaccination. When you click "Add", the request will be sent to your provider for review and an orange pending icon will appear for that entry. Once the entry has been reviewed and accepted by your provider, it will be shown in green.

Some rarely-given vaccines may not appear on your vaccine list by default. Send a secure message to your provider to add a vaccine that does not appear on the list.

See also: